The Karnataka Examination Authority has announced the seat matrix and fee structure in accordance with the Government's orders. The eligible candidates can arrange their priority options from 11:00 am on 22 August 2023 to 11:00 am on 25 August 2023 for the first allotment of PG Medical/PG Dental/DNB courses.
The detailed structure of process is following mentioned;
Sl. No |
Events |
Date |
1 |
Publication seat matrix & fee structure |
21/08/2023 After 7 PM |
2 |
Arrangements of preference for college |
11am, 22/08/23 to 11am, 25/08/23 |
3 |
Publication of mock allotment results |
25/08/23 after 8PM |
4 |
Provisions for changing preferences |
25/08/23 after 9PM to 28/08/23 after 11am |
5 |
Result of the first allotment |
28/08/23 after 8PM |
The KEA will announce the dates for fee payment, document submission, and the last date for reporting to the respective colleges.
For more information, please feel free to contact us at the following numbers: +91 9916505050 / +91 9513707575. You can also reach out to us via email at or We are here to assist you and provide any further details you may require.