BA Journalism and Mass Communication (Bachelor of Arts in Journalism and Mass Communication)
This course provides a unique blend of subjects that help to enhance and develop a candidate’s communication skills to ensure efficient outreach to the masses through the transfer of messages and news. Topics included in the curriculum are history of communication, law and ethics, photo journalism, reporting and feature writing, editing, advertising, video editing, filmmaking, publishing, scriptwriting and direction. The curriculum emphasizes on concepts and skills that enrich the candidate’s knowledge, creates a highly adaptive environment and provides opportunities to grow successfully in print media like newspapers, journals, magazines, digests and news agencies; electronic media like television, radi and internet; and the fields of media production, cultural exchange, communication theories and media techniques. Techniques of reporting, writing, editing, news presentation and news compilation are also emphasized through this course. Candidates are guided to conduct research and review useful information and create thought-provoking concepts and ideas. Skills like research, communication, analytical thinking, interaction and decision-making are enhanced through this course.