Reasons to do Master of Dental Science (MDS)

Master of Dental Science (MDS) Admission in Bangalore

Last updated: 23 Oct 2021

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Introduction to Dentistry

Dental Science is concerned with the prevention and treatment of oral diseases, including diseases of the teeth and supporting structures and diseases of the soft tissues of the mouth and oral cavity. Dental Sciences also encompasses the treatment and correction of malformation of the jaws, misalignment of the teeth and birth anomalies of the oral cavity, such as cleft palate. The dentistry also includes general practice and also includes many specialities and subspecialties, including orthodontics and dental orthopaedics, paediatric dentistry, periodontics, prosthodontics, oral and maxillofacial surgery, oral and maxillofacial pathology and maxillofacial surgery, etc.

MDS is a postgraduate course in the discipline of dentistry that can be done by the BDS graduates. The course imparts the specific knowledge and specialised skills to solve these dental and oral health problems that are faced by most of the human population. The course fosters the development of critical analysis, research skills and advanced clinical skills as a part of the MDS course. The course trains the students in advance techniques and methods penetrating dental care and solutions. The course gives a detailed understanding of the oral treatment and oral healthcare and also trains the students to carry out oral surgeries.

Reasons to study Dental Sciences

Dental Sciences is one of the popular courses that is chosen after MBBS. Unfortunately, it has remained as the second option among the medical aspirants. This is due to lack of awareness among the students. Dental science is one of the most advanced domains in the medical field. The increased demand for dentists in the community has created a lot of opportunities for dental science students. 

Let’s try to understand some of the important reasons that makes dental science an important domain to consider

MDS is the highest degree in the field of dental sciences

Completing a masters in dental science (MDS) one can claim to be the master of the subject. Just like the air becomes thinner and thinner as one goes up the stairway to the realm of dentistry is less crowded as one climbs up. The crowd of the fellow graduates dramatically decreases and one can breathe more easily up there and can be exposed to lots of job opportunities. The decreased number of MDS students and increased number of job roles for MDS graduates creates excellent career opportunities and better salary packages.

More focussed study

Instead of 8 or 9 different subjects of General dentistry, one could now be more focused on his/her preferred subject or specialisation and reach the very core of it. It is like a beam of sunlight when focused on a point is able to kindle a fire which couldn’t do so, it is left dissipated. By having an MDS degree one can create an alternate pathway where he/she can enjoy more academic teachings rather than treating patients. The MDS professionals can take up teaching and treating both simultaneously.

Opportunities in Managerial Positions

The experienced MDS professionals are also chosen as departmental heads in a healthcare institute or a healthcare unit. There are many healthcare units that hire skilled and experienced MDS professionals at managerial positions and are ready to pay handsome salary packages.

Highly paid professionals

The MDS students are highly paid dental doctors in the healthcare sector. The changed lifestyle has created a lot of job roles for the skilled professionals in the sector. The healthcare organisations are ready to pay excellent salary packages for the right candidates.

Final lines

The BDS students are advised to opt for the MDS course. There is a huge demand for skilled MDS doctors in the field of dental sciences. It not only improves overall clinical skills of a dentist, but also opens up many new opportunities and helps to develop one’s career as an academician and researcher as well. The above is some of the insights about the demand for MDS courses and the value it holds in the dental science domain.

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