On 07-02-2023, KEA released the notification on the Second and Final round Schedule of PGCET - 2022 with Instructions to be adhered. The Schedule is as follows:
S.No |
Particulars |
Date & Time |
1. |
Publication of seat matrix and fee details (Choice 3, Choice 4, Forfeited, Cancelled, newly added if any.) |
08-02-2023 after 11:00 AM |
2. |
Option Entry by Eligible Candidates (candidates can add fresh options /modify the options/delete the options) |
From 11:00 AM on 09-02-2023 to 13-02-2023 up to 11:00 AM |
3. |
Publication of Second Round Seat Allotment Results |
13-02-2023 after 06:00 PM |
4. |
Payment of Fees & Downloading of Admission Orders (If fee is paid in the earlier round then it will be adjusted in this round based on the selection of a seat in this round) |
14-02-2023 to 16-02-2023 |
5. |
Last date for reporting to the colleges |
14-02-2023 to 17-02-2023 before 05:30 PM. |
- Candidates who have selected Choice-2 in the first round and paid the fee, can change or remove the higher order options above the allotted option. Candidates can register new preferences if they are interested.
- Candidates who have selected Choice-3 in the first round are participating without holding a seat. All the preferences recorded by them will be displayed except the allotted option. Candidates can add fresh preferences if they wish.
- Candidates who are not allotted any seat in the first round can add new preferences.
- After the first round of seat allotment those who have verified the documents and qualified for the second round can register their interest / choices.
Instructions for First Round Choice - 2 Candidates
(Candidates can register new preferences if they are interested)
- Choice 2 candidates who are participating by holding a seat allotted in the First Round, if any seat is allotted to them in this round, then their First Round seat gets added to the seat matrix immediately and is offered to the next eligible candidates in the order of preference and priority of options.
- While modifying the order of preferences or deleting the options candidates are suggested to opt only for preferences that are better than an allotted seat. If the modified option gets allotted, they lose their previous seat. If none of the seats are available, then the candidate's earlier seat is retained.
- For Choice 2 candidates, the seat allotted in the First Round will be considered as the last option. The Choice 2 candidates must carefully submit the preferences. Candidates must understand that the seat allotted in the First Round will become the last option, it means all the higher preferences saved by the candidates will be treated as options for seat allotment.
- All the higher order preferences will be displayed for options entry, if any candidate is intending to retain the same seat which is allotted in the First Round, then he/she has to delete all such preferences which is displayed on the option entry portal and the seat allotted in the First Round will be retained in this round also.
NOTE: Consequential vacancies that arise after their turn cannot be claimed.
Instructions for First Round Choice - 3 Candidates
Options entered by the candidates for the first round will be displayed during the second round. Candidates can add /enter the new preferences if they wish. They are advised to enter or retain only preferences they wish to take admission. If the seat is allotted, they have to mandatorily join the allotted college in the second and final Round seat allotment without giving any reasons/excuses.
The Choice 3 candidates are participating without holding a seat allotted in the First Round, if any seat is allotted to them in this round, then that seat will be confirmed in their favour or if no seat is allotted to them, then they will not be having any seat in their favour. While entering the preferences, candidates are informed to opt only for preferences that are better than his/her allotted seat and for those options candidates are willing to join the college/course in case the seat is allotted.
NOTE: Consequential vacancies that arise after their turn cannot be claimed.
Instructions for First Round Seat Not Allotted Candidates
Preferences made by the candidates for the first round will be displayed during the second round. Candidates who have not been allotted any seat in the first round can add the new options if required. While entering the options, candidates are guided to opt only preferences they are willing to join the college/course in case the seat is allotted.
NOTE: Consequential vacancies that arise after their turn cannot be claimed.
Instructions for Newly Verified Candidates
Newly Verified Candidates for the second round should make the preferences of their choice for the available seats. While entering the options, candidates are guided to opt only preferences they are willing to join the college/course in case the seat is allotted.
NOTE: Consequential vacancies that arise after their turn cannot be claimed.
Post Seat Allotment Procedure -Choice Before a Candidate
- There is no possibility to exercise for the candidates.
- Candidates who have been allotted seats in any discipline are required to pay the prescribed fees and should mandatorily report to the colleges on or before the last date mentioned in the admission order and should update the details through their Log-in-Id to KEA or they will lose their allotted seats.
Instructions for Cancellation of a seat
- After getting a seat by selecting Choice-1 in the first round, if the candidates decide to cancel the seat, such candidates should cancel the seat at KEA Bangalore before the last date of filing the second round selection. Rs.5,000/- will be deducted as per rules from the amount paid to such candidates and the remaining amount will be refunded, if the seat is cancelled after the last date of registration for the second round, all fees paid will be forfeited as per rules.
- After selecting Choice-2 in the first round and paying the fees, if the candidates decide to cancel the seat, such candidates should cancel the seat at KEA, Bangalore before the last date prescribed for entry of options for the second round, for such candidates an amount of Rs.5,000/- will be deducted from the payment made and the balance amount if any will be refunded. In case, if they surrender the seat after the last date prescribed for option entry for the second round, the full amount paid as fees will be forfeited as per rules.
Candidates interested to know more about Second and Final round Schedule of PGCET - 2022 can contact us on +91 9916505050/+91 8088602346. They can also email us at enquiry@galaxyeduworld.com or can also reach us as galaxyeduworld@gmail.com for more details.