2nd Phase NEET-UG 2021 Application Correction and Modification: Date Extended

2nd Phase NEET-UG 2021 Application Correction and Modification: Date Extended
Posted:  3 years ago

The National Testing Agency (NTA) extended the last date for application modification and correction for the 2nd phase of online application form for NEET Exam. The NTA stated that the decision was taken due to repeated requests from numerous candidates received. The NTA has opened the window for application modification from October 21st 2021. The interested candidates who have successfully registered and paid the Examination Fee Online can avail this opportunity considering this as the Last and Final Opportunity. 

The candidates can edit the fields of the first phase i.e., Gender, Nationality, E-mail address, Category, Sub-category and Educational details for Class XI and XII during the above-mentioned application window period.

Note 1: The Candidates are not required to pay any additional fee for filling in the second set of information. 

Note 2: In case, a candidate does not fill up the information this time, his/her candidature will be cancelled by the NTA.

Note 3: This opportunity is also available for the candidates who have done one-time corrections in the specified fields earlier.

Schedule for 2nd phase for modifying the application



Starting Date

Last Date

NEET (UG) 2021

Set of fields for correction and modification:

  • Gender
  • Nationality
  • E-mail address
  • Category
  • Sub-category
  • Fields of second phase

21 October 2021

26 October (Sunday) up to 11.50 PM

The students interested in the NEET-UG Exam can call us at +91 9916505050/ 8088602346 or email us at galaxyeduworld@gmail.com for more details. 

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