The Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao has written to Prime Minister Narendra Modi requesting him to help Indian students, returned from war-hit Ukraine. The Telangana Chief Minister requested Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi to help the students to join medical colleges across the country so that they can complete their education. Nearly 20,000 students had gone to Ukraine to study MBBS, and the Government of India evacuated all of them from the war hit Ukraine under “Operation Ganga”.
The Chief Minister of Telangana further urged that all the Indian students who went to Ukraine for medical education are from middle class families and should not be deprived of medical education as it will jeopardise their future.
Telangana Chief Minister further requested in the letter that due to the consideration of the exceptional circumstances of these students this should be considered as a special case and help them complete their education by allowing them to join the medical colleges in the country in equivalent semesters in relaxation of the regulations.
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