ICMAI CMA Admit Card 2022: Admit Cards released

ICMAI CMA Admit Card 2022: Admit Cards released

Last Updated: 23-06-2022

The Institute of Cost Accountants of India has released the ICMAI CMA Admit Card 2022 for the upcoming examinations. The CMA Final and Intermediate candidates can now check and download their ICMAI hall ticket from the official website.

The ICMAI CMA Hall Ticket 2022 has been released for the June term examinations and the exams are set to start from 27th June 2022 to 3rd July 2022. The ICAI further stated that the 

The CMA June exams will be conducted in two shifts.

  1. Shift 1: will start from 10.00 am to 1.00 pm 
  2. Shift 2: will start from 2:30 pm to 5:30 pm.

How to download CMA Admit cards?

1. Candidates are required to visit the official website
2. Candidates are required to click on the link given “CMA admit cards” on the homepage.
3. Candidates are required to enter your Registration Number
4. The ICMAI CMA admit card will appear on the screen.
5. Candidates are required to download and get a printout of the same for future use.

The eligible students can get more details about the ICMAI CMA Exam by contacting us on +91 9916505050/+91 8088602346. They can also email us at enquiry@galaxyeduworld.com or can also reach us as galaxyeduworld@gmail.com for more details.

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