Higher education in India poised for a major makeover

Higher education in India poised for a major makeover

Last Updated: 16-06-2022

In a major breakthrough for all the students from India who were dreaming of studying abroad, the UGC has taken a major decision. The Indian students will get an international degree from a prestigious foreign university or even they can get a dual degree, one from the home institution and the other one from a foreign university from this academic year 2022-23.

The UGC has allowed the Academic Collaboration between Indian and Foreign Higher Educational Institutions. With this decision, Indian higher education is about to open to foreign to partnerships with foreign universities as never before.

Joint Degree Programme

The students can earn a degree under Joint Degree Programme where both the Indian and the foreign universities will jointly develop curricula for the degree, that will be awarded by a single certificate issued by both institutions upon the completion of the course.

Dual Degree Programme

Through the Dual Degree Programme, the students will be earning two separate degrees from two universities in similar fields after completion of the degree. The students enrolled in the dual degree programme would save the time and the effort in the common component, but would still need to complete the remaining requirements to get both degrees.

Professor M Jagadeesh Kumar, Chairman, UGC, stated that many foreign universities are interested in recruiting the best of Indian students for their PhD programmes;the new regulations make this process simpler and effective.

He further added that several Indian universities have already initiated steps to encourage such collaborations. Many universities have welcomed the initiative and have already started the process of collaboration with many foreign universities. He further added that the possibilities are immense as Indian higher education is poised for a fundamental change and makeover.

The students can get more educational news and updates by contacting us on +91 9916505050/+91 8088602346. They can also email us at enquiry@galaxyeduworld.com or can also reach us at galaxyeduworld@gmail.com for more details.

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