M Pharm Pharmaceutics (Master of Pharmacy in Pharmaceutics)
The course curriculum emphasizes on the technical and practical aspects of the modern techniques of design and manufacture of medicines. The candidates are provided a strong foundation in the latest methods of production of medicines, product development, dose selection, novel analytical techniques, applications, and different modes of drug delivery. It is an interdisciplinary subject involving the application of chemistry, biology, and technology in making drugs from natural and chemical substances, methods of delivering drugs into the body, positive effects and side-effects of drugs, and research for better improved medication. Topics included in the course are modern pharmaceutical analytical techniques, drug delivery systems, regulatory affair, nano technology, bio pharmaceutics, pharmacokinetics, computer aided drug delivery, research methodology, and biostatistics. Candidates will have diverse knowledge about the preparation of medicines, diet required for different medications, laboratory testing and research of novel medications, and methods of analysis of different drugs. Skills like analytical reasoning, presentation, computers, decision-making, problem-solving, and entrepreneurship are enhanced through dissertations, projects, journal clubs, laboratory research, internships, assignments, and viva voce included in this course. This helps candidates to understand and cope with different situations in the practical field of production and manufacture, formulation, and drug regulation.