Placements of BTech/BE Petroleum Engineering Colleges in Bangalore
There is huge demand for skilled B.Tech/BE Petroleum Engineering students. They are one the most highly paid engineers in the sector and can expect excellent career growth in the field.
Some of the job roles are
Drilling Engineer: The drilling engineers are responsible for planning and executing drilling operations to extract minerals, metal ores, oil and natural gas across a variety of terrains, on land and underwater. You can also find opportunities with engineering consultancies and onshore, offshore and mobile drilling contractors.
Average drilling engineer salary ranges from 4 lakhs to 6 lakhs per annum
Reservoir Engineer: The reservoir engineers determine the location and amount of fuel in underground reservoirs. Often, engineers work with advanced equipment, such as computer modelling and imaging programs, to locate reserves of oil and natural gas.
Average reservoir engineer salary ranges from 5 lakhs to 7 lakhs per annum
Production Engineer: The production engineers work in the sphere of manufacturing, overseeing the production of goods in many industries at factories or plants. Their main job is to ensure that all products are manufactured with utmost efficiency and quality, according to planned protocols using the appropriate technology.
Average production engineer salary ranges from 4 lakhs to 6 lakhs per annum
Chief Petroleum Engineer: The chief petroleum engineer plans and directs engineering activities of a petroleum company to develop oil fields and produce oil and gas: Formulates programs for developing oil fields, planning schedules for drilling wells and for constructing pumping units, crude-oil treating units, and other production facilities.
Average chief petroleum engineer salary ranges from 5 lakhs to 7 lakhs per annum
Advantages of BTech/BE Petroleum Engineering Colleges in Bangalore
As a petroleum engineering professional one will enjoy the following benefits in their careers
Excellent Pay Scales: Petrol is the main ingredient in our daily lives. Almost all the vehicles we use for our travel runs on petrol and diesel. The petroleum engineering professionals are highly valued and are given excellent salary packages when compared to others in the refineries.
Greater Demand for petroleum engineering Professionals: As petroleum engineering is main for everyone, the refineries are looking for skilled petroleum engineering professionals. Almost all the refineries are looking for petroleum engineering skills in all the new hires. So, there is a lot of demand for petroleum engineering professionals.
Productive and Cost Efficient: Petroleum engineering professionals ensure that the speed of the processes is increased many fold times. The petroleum engineering professionals will not waste time on nuts and buts, but they are capable of managing the simple operating tasks automatically. So, the productivity is more in case of petroleum engineering professionals when compared to others.
- Flexible career opportunities: Petroleum engineering is playing a dominant role in terms of petrol extraction. Petroleum engineers can find ample job opportunities across the globe and can earn handsome salary packages with excellent career growth opportunities.