What is the importance of Doing Psychology?

Importance of Psychology

Last updated: 21 Oct 2021

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Now that you have completed your Bachelor in Psychology degree. You may be worried about the next steps available after your Bachelor in Psychology.

Don’t worry, Read this article to know more

What is Psychology?

Psychology is one of the branches of life sciences that deals with the study of human behaviour and the human mind. The field of psychology offers an opportunity to study the unanswered questions about the human brain. Scientists even today are not able to understand the complete functionality of human behaviour and researches are still going on. The psychology students can join these research teams and find some breakthroughs in human psychology.

What can you do with the B.Sc. Psychology degree?

Are you interested in mental health?

Then consider becoming a mental health psychologist

Are you passionate about working with young people?

Then you can choose to become an educational psychologist.

Do you love to work with kids?

Then consider joining the schools as a school psychologist.

Are you interested in making a career in corporate firms?

Then become an occupational psychologist by joining the MNCs.

Want to help support criminal justice and rehabilitation?

Then choose to become a Forensic Psychologist.

Considering the above-mentioned job roles for psychologists, there are a vast number of career opportunities in this field. These are some of the many such job profiles that are available for the psychology students. Fortunately, many such job roles are available for you soon after the completion of graduate life. Many other highly-paid professions are available after the psychology degree. Psychologists play a vital role in everybody’s lives, they are typically necessary to keep the mental health of the people in the society by providing them with proper psychological treatments.

Typical Psychology careers

Some specialized roles are available in the best areas of specialization in psychology, especially in healthcare and therapy. Some of them are:

Chartered Psychologists

Chartered Psychology is a highly specialized role where the chartered psychologists will be working with people from all backgrounds. The chartered psychologists have the opportunity to interact with both patients and clients. The Chartered Psychologists will be analysing the thoughts, behaviours and emotions of people. These studies help them to understand better and advise certain actions. The chartered psychologists will be able to counsel the patients and help them to come to their problems.


A psychotherapist can have diverse types of workload. They will be working with individuals, couples, groups and families. The psychotherapists will help the community to overcome the emotional barriers and try to solve them effectively by proper counselling techniques.

Social Worker

The social workers are the individuals who work for the benefit of others. They will be working with the people who are going through difficult times in their lives. The social workers often work with children and aged people with disabilities and victims of crime and abuse.

The role of the social worker is to safeguard these people from getting harmed and provide the required support. The social workers further help them to improve in their situations. The social workers can work within schools, homes, hospitals and other public places. The social workers will be specialized to work with the children and families of vulnerable adults. Some of the areas where the social workers will be seen working are paediatrics, deaddiction, disability, corrections, geriatrics, medical and clinical, parole, probation, mental health, public health, school, victim support and substance abuse.


The counsellors will be involved in helping the people to overcome the problems faced by them in their lives. The counsellors work in conditional settings. They are hired in hospitals, family courts, NGOs etc. The counsellors working in hospitals will be providing treatments for people with mental disorders. The counsellors working in family courts will be counselling the couples with divorce cases. The counsellors working in NGOs will be helping people with addictions and help them in de addiction activities.

Psychology careers in Education

The psychology students who are interested to pursue their career in the education sector can choose different paths in the education field. They can work as educational therapists, school psychologists, career counsellors etc.

The educational psychologists will be counselling the students who are in distress and not able to cope up with studies. They act as a medium between the parents and school authorities for developing a healthy learning atmosphere for the students. They will be helping the young people to enhance their learning capabilities and help them to deal with social and emotional issues that are faced by them.

Psychology careers in Research

The psychology field is the new field of study which has gained importance from the last 150 years. Even today the scientists are not able to complete in detail the human behaviours. There is intensive research conducted in the field of psychology in various countries. The psychology students who are interested in taking up research can join as research analysts in many research organizations and continue their study about human psychology.

Human Resources and Communication Careers

Psychology is all about the understanding of the people and how they think. This knowledge comes in handy for many corporate companies when they want to hire people for their organisations. The psychology students are hired in MNCs especially in HR departments. The main role of the psychology students in the HR departments are many. They are required to judge the candidates in the interview sessions.

They should be capable of analysing the behaviour of the candidates for their cognitive capabilities. They should be able to gauge the candidates and filter the competent candidates for various job roles in the organisations. They are further required to maintain a good working culture in the offices. They should motivate the employees by conducting workshops and seminars. They should be capable of addressing the issues faced by the employees. They should provide proper solutions to the grievances to the employees in the organisations.

Business Management Careers

This is the most challenging area for psychology students. This area plays a crucial role in maintaining the sustainability of an organisation. The psychology students should be capable of maintaining a proper balance in the business and management. The psychology students can find ample job opportunities in this field and can land in high- positions. The psychology students in this field are highly paid individuals as they will be hired in managerial positions.


Psychology is a very vast field and psychology students can find excellent job opportunities in this area. The above-mentioned professions are some of them that are selected from the big list of the professions available in the psychology field. There is no dearth for jobs for psychology students and the students who have good performance records in their academics can easily land in highly paid jobs. The dedication and hard work of the students will always give best career growth opportunities to the psychology students.

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