Common mistakes to avoid while attempting JEE Mains

Millions of students every year appear for the JEE Main exams with all their dedication and sincerity. Unfortunately, many fail to qualify for the JEE exams due to various reasons. It was observed that the majority of the students lose their rank due to silly/ common mistakes. The mistakes can happen when the students lose focus while solving questions or when they become over-confident and don’t read the questions properly, followed by panicking, and nervousness can also lead to failure for the students.

Common mistakes to avoid while attempting JEE Mains

Last updated: 20 Jun 2022

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Some of the common mistakes that a student makes while preparing for JEE exam are as follows:

Less focus on NCERT Books

The NCERT books are the most important books that are best available for the students preparing for the JEE Exam. But many students fail to give importance to these NCERT books. There is always a best chance, for many of the questions are directly picked from the NCERT books. 

It has been observed in the past, many of the physics questions in JEE exams were directly taken from NCERT textbooks. Hence the students should not take the NCERT text books lightly while preparing for JEE Exams.

Excluding the Difficult to understand chapters

Many students will only focus on studying their favourite topics and miss topics which do not interest them or which they find difficult. This is one of the most common mistakes that every student makes. An intelligent student should give importance to his/her core topics, but they should also ensure to pay attention to other topics too. This gives confidence in overcoming exam nervousness.

Not Asking Doubts

Many students avoid asking doubtful questions; this is a common mistake that every student makes. The students should not hesitate to clear your doubts by asking questions to the teachers. Once the doubts are cleared and the students should practice mock questions to understand the concept well.

Being Self-Conscious and Under confident

The majority of students will be self-conscious and under-confident, this can be a hindrance to success in the JEE exams. The students should believe in themselves and their hard work will definitely pay off. One should not undervalue the efforts or lack confidence in their abilities. Getting nervous before has a direct impact on your performance in the exam. To avoid this, keep taking mock tests and self - assessing your performance. These mock tests will directly indicate your level of preparation and you can work accordingly. Once your scores improve in mock tests, your confidence level will also improve.

Over Stressing

Most of the students lose their appetite and get all anxious as the exam approaches and it is normal. The only solution to this is to calm your mind and relieve any anxiety by playing sports or doing yoga or meditation.

Students should ensure that they have study intervals, eg.15-30 minutes after every 2 hours. It is not necessary to study late at night if the students maintain a proper time table. Most important thing is to maintain a healthy lifestyle and have a study plan which will help you balance and relax. Health is wealth, if the students fall sick, then it will affect the performance of the students during the exams.


Most common mistakes that are made by every student listed above, can hamper the performance of the students preparing for JEE Exams. If the students avoid making these mistakes, then they can easily get successful in the exam.

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