Career and Scopes after LLB degree

Career and Scopes after LLB Degree Course

Last updated: 11 Oct 2021

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A law degree is a gateway to a career as a lawyer or a barrister, but it’s not only the only path one can choose. There are many options that are available beyond that. The present article tries to discuss some of the job roles available after an LLB degree.


The role of an arbitrator is growing rapidly as more people look for an alternative to traditional litigation.There are genuine and often global opportunities for work in this exciting area of law.

Role of the Arbitrator

The arbitrator’s work is basically an alternative dispute resolution on behalf of the client. Arbitration is one of the ways legal disputes are resolved outside the courts and across international boundaries. It’s used by many individuals and businesses on a voluntary basis meaning both sides just agree to follow any final decision.

Responsibilities of an Arbitrator

As an arbitrator one is needed to:

  • Writing a notice of arbitration clarifying what is expected of the parties and specifying all matters of the dispute
  • Gathering the evidence from claimant and the respondent
  • Organizing and conducting arbitration meetings or hearings where both sides present their evidence
  • Summarizing each side’s position in a written document
  • Interpreting and applying the relevant laws
  • Making a decision resolving the dispute based on the evidence and arguments submitted by both sides
  • Carrying out any appropriate follow up communication

Earning Potential

The fresh LLB professionals as arbitrators will be earning around 5 lakhs to 10 lakhs per annum. The experienced professionals will be earning around 8 lakhs to 12 lakhs per annum.


The advocates are responsible to fight for their clients in the courts for their litigation and their legal problems and try to convince the court to support their clients. They submit arguments on behalf of the clients to the court with supporting documents.

Role of an Advocate

Advocates are specialists in advocacy and represent individuals organizations in court. They are independent sources of legal advice and can advise clients on their case. Generally they are hired by solicitors and clients to represent a case in court before the judge.

Responsibilities of an Advocate

As an advocate one is responsible to:

  • Take instruction from clients and their solicitors
  • Understand and interpret the law
  • Master and manage legal briefs
  • Undertake legal research into relevant points of law
  • Write opinions and advice solicitors and other professionals
  • Prepare cases for court, including holding client conferences and preparing legal arguments’
  • Advice clients on matters of law and evidence and the strength of their case
  • Represent clients in court
  • Present arguments in court
  • Examine and cross-examine witnesses
  • Sum up reasons why the court should support the client’s case
  • Draft legal documents
  • Negotiate settlements

Earning Potential

The fresh LLB professionals as advocates will be earning around 10 lakhs to 20 lakhs per annum. The experienced professionals will be earning around 15 lakhs to 30 lakhs per annum.

Junior Advocate

The junior advocates basically work under senior advocates in the law firms and consultancies and will be representing cases on behalf of them in certain cases in the courts.

Role of an Junior Advocate

As a Junior advocate, one is responsible for running the administration of the law firms. The role of the junior advocate is integral to the success of a set of chambers, both as a legal practice and as a business.

Responsibilities of a Junior Advocate

As a junior advocate one is needed to:

  • Manage the dairy and legal practice, including all activities relating to the senior advocates getting to and from court
  • Ensure senior advocates fees are created and collected for their work
  • Market and develop the business to maintain the supply of work
  • Be aware of compliance matters as these are the standards and accreditation to which chambers have to adhere
  • Deliver urgent documents to other chambers
  • Male travel and accommodation arrangements to senior advocates
  • Carry out general administrative duties

Earning Potential

The fresh LLB professionals as junior advocates will be earning around 4 lakhs to 8 lakhs per annum. The experienced professionals will be earning around 5 lakhs to 10 lakhs per annum.

Final Lines

The law has remained one of the popular courses from many years, the demand has seen an increase in the last 10 years. Law graduates are not limited to only courts, but today they are hired in many MNC companies as legal advisors and are paid good money. They are also hired in top legal firms of the country for handsome salaries. The law graduates can even start their own law firms and practice law on behalf of the clients.

The students with a passion towards law, can join the LLB course and earn a decent salary with good career growth in the field.

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