Bachelor of Arts Honours (Triple Major- Economics/Sociology/Journalism/Psycology/English)
This course provides a unique blend of subjects enrich the candidate’s knowledge, creates a highly adaptive environment, and provides opportunities to grow successfully in the respective field.
The Economics course prepares candidates for the fulfilling world of accounts, retail, sales, finance, and tax in the public, business, or industrial sector. Candidates are trained to analyze the ups and downs of the financial market, pursue independent research, use complex statistical data, contribute to social issues, and specialize in qualitative and quantitative research methods.
Sociology introduces the theoretical and methodological themes of Indian and the global society. Candidates are trained to observe, analyze, and understand social circumstances and translate theoretical knowledge into action and practice.
Journalism creates awareness among candidates about social causes and issues. The curriculum includes concepts on human behavior and the mind; the current theories and issues in areas such as cognition, motivation, wellness, human development, sports, health, clinical, social behavior and cognitive processes; and perspective and understanding about social issues.
Psychology helps to provide a holistic outlook to the mysteries of human behavior. The course curriculum includes theoretical and practical concepts that help to research and understand the execution and working of the human mind and human behavior. It focuses on how human beings behave differently under different circumstances.
The English course emphasizes on English literary studies, theories, and criticism and is a combination of modern and ancient English literature, consisting of three main areas of focus, i.e. Prose, Poetry, and Drama. The coursework focuses on English as a second language, linguistics, the history of the English language, comparative literature, and mythology.